Entralta understands the significance of obtaining copyright registrations for the protection and enforcement of creative works. In addition, we recognize the importance of overlapping protections provided under copyright, patent, and trademark law – where applicable – and how this can afford a multi-layer strategy that protects inventive concepts under patent law, protects the expressions of these concepts under copyright law and protects the associated unique identity and brand under trademark law.
We provide seasoned experience in all aspects of copyright law, including copyright registration within the U.S. and abroad, copyright compliance, licensing and other business transactions involving copyrightable works, and global policing and enforcement of copyrights. Because of the often overlapping nature of patent, trademark, and copyright laws, our attorneys are skilled in all three areas. In addition, our attorneys are well versed in areas covering traditional creative works, the latest digital media, unique designs, and copyright piracy. We assist our clients in maximizing the value and revenue of their copyrightable works by developing an integrated strategy that protects all available rights, minimizes infringement risk, and ensures the solutions provided align with the commercial objectives of our clients’ businesses.
Our attorneys handle a wide range of copyright-related services including:
Developing copyright strategies to align with the business goals of our clients
Registering all types of works eligible for copyright protection
Conducting domestic and foreign copyright monitoring analysis
Evaluating ownership, derivative works, and work-for-hire
Managing digital rights
Managing global copyright portfolio development and commercialization
Performing copyright validity, safe harbor, fair use, and infringement studies
Auditing copyright portfolios
Negotiating and preparing copyright consulting, work-for-hire, licensing, development, open-source, and other copyright-implicated agreements
Policing and enforcing copyrights around the world and on the Internet
Providing in-house educational training and seminars on copyright law and related matters